October 2012

Upcoming Events

Learn more and register for our upcoming event:

Oct 18th - 8:00 - 12:00

Don't call me Dude! Bridging the Generational Divide in the Workplace

Register Now!

Nov 9th - 8:00 AM

HR Public Policy and the Impact of the National Elections Speaker Michael Layman

Registration Coming Soon...

Dec 12th - 4:00 PM

CNY SHRM - Annual Chapter Celebration - Nat Dunn CEO of Webucator as Keynote: 

Registration Coming Soon...

Legislative Update

Members can now log onto our website and get the latest Legal update - New York Amends Its Wage Deduction Statute.

Click Here for more Info...

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Volunteer Opportunities

Are you interested in becoming more active with CNY SHRM?

Volunteer Committees

Don't call me Dude! Bridging the Generational Divide in the Workplace

Do you work in a generationally diverse workplace? Are you experiencing cross generational challenges in performance, employee expectations, team involvement and management styles? Read More... 

  • Date - Thursday, October 18, 2012
  • Time - 8:00 AM – 12: 00 PM Registration & Breakfast 8:00 – 9:00 AM
  • Where - Ramada Inn, 1305 Buckley Road, Liverpool, NY
  • Cost - Member $49     Non Member $59.00     Student Cost $29.00
  • Credits - 3 HR Certification Institute credits are pending approval.

Have a Voice

With the National Elections just over one month away, how familiar are you with the candidates and their position on the various issues, especially the Policy issues - many of which are HR related?

We’ve linked SHRM’s Get Out the Vote information to our web site to help you understand the issues so you are better prepared and informed to vote on November 6.  "HR issues dominate the policy agenda. Making sure that your voice is heard is imperative to ensuring Congress enacts laws that make sense and help organizations better manage themselves."  Here's the link:  http://haveavoice.shrm.org/
After the Elections, join us on 11/9 at our CNY SHRM event to learn next steps with Michael Layman, Manager, Labor and Employment Policy with SHRM. Pending 1.5 recertification credits.  Registration information available soon.

CNY SHRM Membership Survey

CNY SHRM recently conducted a Survey with a sample group of our membership.  The feedback received will be incorporated in discussions through the Board's Strategic Planning meeting scheduled later this month.  If you did not participate in the survey and would like to offer any suggestions for future CNY SHRM activities, the web site, how CNY SHRM can better meet your needs, etc., please feel free to contact any member of the Executive Board.


Professional Certification Award Winner

Twice a year CNY SHRM partners with LeMoyne College to deliver the SHRM certification preparation class to those professionals who wish to take the PHR or SPHR certification exam. In collaboration with that, the Chapter offers two Certification Awards to deserving members of the chapter so they may participate in this worthwhile program.


Congratulations to Marie Mankiewicz who has been awarded the scholarship for the Fall 2012 semester! Marie is an active member of the chapter and has been an HR professional for 20+ years. Best wishes to Marie and other class participants in pursuing their professional certification.


The next certification preparation class will begin in January 2013 and another opportunity to apply for the Professional Certification Award will be available then.  Visit the CNY SHRM website or the LeMoyne College Continuing Education web site for more information on the class and the Professional Certification Award.